Thursday Thoughts October 18, 2018

Many of us as kids say when "When I grow up I want to be a ..." Now for those kids who did grow up and become what they said they wanted to be as a kid, good for you. But let's be honest, how many of us said that and find ourselves to be on a different path entirely. And it's easy to sit back and say "Damn, I should have kept pushing to become this or that." Its easy to doubt ourselves when we don't become what we pledged to be but what I've found out in life is that there is no preplanned path. We have to make our own. To do so, we must be prepared to shed our preconcieved ideas. We can't start a new path if we keep holding on to the old one. Times have changed. So must we.

Have a great day folks.

Until Then Keep Stepping,


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